Oct 10, 2012
posted in baby, birth, lifestyle with  0  COMMENTS
I am ALWAYS so incredibly honored to photograph a birth. I am inspired, encouraged and blessed every time. There is NOTHING like seeing a new life come into the world. My words could never even start to explain the miracle. And, trust me, it’s nothing short of a miracle.
I met Judy and Henry over coffee and heard a bit about their story. They’ve been in California a while but are originally from New Zealand. It was so fun to see their adorable faces and then hear those amazing accents!! We chatted about birth and plans and how they envisioned things going. I, of course, had to share how much I loved my experience with the Bradley Method. I tried to answer questions as best I could and left them to figure out what options were best for them and their soon to be new baby. We chatted a bit before he made his arrival but I didn’t know until I got to the hospital that they had in fact done Bradley classes and that their teacher Melissa was there to be their doula!!
Judy was remarkable! She was a champion! This is why I am so encouraged shooting births, witnessing the incredible strength of other women is empowering. Birth is like this crazy marathon with the MOST AMAZING gift waiting for you at the finish line. (WAY better than any medal or ribbon you could ever receive).  Judy labored quietly and Henry gently saw to all of her needs. Melissa was there with encouraging words in times of Judy’s self-doubt and questioning. It was such a beautiful example of a well-oiled machine. All of the pieces worked so well together.
I could go on forever but lets just say that Judy was amazing. Owen’s birth was fairly easy in comparison to some births and he came out perfect and beautiful! And just like that Judy and Henry are forever changed. They will Owen’s parents forever and I think they’ll love him fiercely. Judy and Henry, thank you for allowing me to document something to intimate. It was a complete honor.