Aug 08, 2012
posted in baby, birth with  1  COMMENTS

If I didn’t love Amanda so much I would hate her. If you’re a mom, you would too. My first labor was nearly 21 hours of crazy contractions followed by 3 hours of pushing. Amanda’s water broke at 5:30 and Finley was here promptly at 8! NOT FAIR.

Anyway, like I said I could NEVER hate Amanda because I love her so much. Do you ever meet people and think to yourself, “that person is just my kind.” Well, that’s how I feel about Amanda. I love her sense of humor, her love for her clients, the care she takes for others around her and especially the beautiful marriage she has cultivated over many years. I will never forget Josh surprising me by showing me his phone across our dinner table. I though I was looking at a photo of the something we were chatting about and I SCREAMED! There was a teeny-tiny ultrasound of growing baby Auer! And now she is here!!!!!!!!! Finley is beautiful and how couldn’t she be, she hardly spent any time getting beat up in the birth canal.

When you’re friends share with you a tiny piece of their heart, if you’re a good friend, you treasure that little piece. Amanda and Josh, I have prayed for Finley and I am so glad that the pregnancy is over and she is finally in your arms. You both are the most deserving, grace-filled, loving people I know and I am so incredibly blessed that I got to experience you receiving such a precious gift.

I love all three of you. Thank you so much for letting me snap a few shots of her at just a few hours old. And now I present to you, Miss Finley Dale.



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