Jul 22, 2013
posted in engagement with  0  COMMENTS

We moved into our house over three years ago. We had no furniture and no credit card debt and ONE tiny 9 month old. (Ahh, how quickly things can change.) I wanted desperately to have people over for a girls night but I was foolishly embarrassed that we had an empty house. (Paying off our debts now I realize that the couches and the rug were truly NOT that important) But nonetheless off we went, dragging my sweet Matt y to Cost Plus to search for the “perfect” rug (HOURS before girls night). We rushed around and made a hasty decision and bought a rug and in the check out line was an adorable girl, sweetly ringing up our purchases whilst sporting an engagement ring. We chatted for a hot second and I, not so casually, handed her a business card and told her to ‘call us if she needed us.’ I never guessed after all this time while Mel and Tyler were finishing school and planning slowly that she had held onto our card. Meeting up with them and rehearing the story of how they found us was so much fun and we are so excited to shoot their August wedding!! I believe that God works in the details. How rad of a story is that?!